EPF Filing & ESI Filing

Get your monthly EPF returns and ESI returns filed with us. Enjoy hassle free seamless process.
Get IEC certificate online.Get your EPF and ESI returns filed in a few clicks.

Special Offer: File both contributions at an offer price of

INR 2599

INR 1299
Best Offer
1299 INR

*For less than 25 employees, inclusive of all taxes. No Hidden Charges

Who should file EPF returns and ESI returns?

All establishments and factories registered under the Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme and Employee State Insurance are required to file returns. The contributions should be paid by the 15th of the following month. Annual and half yearly returns are also required to be filed. Separate returns are to be filed for addition and removal of employees.

How does it work?

  • Enroll with our EPF & ESI package
  • Documents and required details will be collected by our expert
  • Returns processed and filed


File your EPF retuns & ESI Returns

In case of more than 25 employees, please Contact Us. We will fix you the best price.

1299 INR
monthly-less than 25 employees
  • Monthly Contributions- PF & ESI
15999 INR
Annual-less than 25 employees
  • Monthly Contributions- PF & ESI
  • Annual & Half yearly returns
  • Other necessary returns

If any customisation required, please contact us. We will fix you the best price !

*For less than 25 employees, inclusive of all taxes. No Hidden Charges

Need Assistance? Lets help you.

Fill in the below details and we will contact you within 24 hours.